Hi, I’m LeLe, pronounced LAY-LAY, but that’s just a nickname that stuck. My real name is Alethea, pronounced al-EE-thee-ya, which is the Greek word for Truth. I’ve always tried to live up to my name, so being truthful and authentic is the foundational core of everything I do in life and business.

Firstly, I acknowledge and give thanks to Spirit and my ancestors, for showing me my purpose and how to use my gifts.  I have finally learned to listen to your messages.  I have always interpreted the world in imagery and colour, with vivid scenes playing out in my minds eye. I thought everyone was like this and only recently discovered that this is not the case and that I have been blessed with the gift of Vision, and also gifted with the ability to transcribe these visions into the tangible world. This knowledge has irrevocably changed me and how I approach my art and designs.

I’m a visual artist currently focusing on the art of tattoos. I specialize in fine line tattoos, creating intuitive talismans (anting-anting) and culturally inspired designs from my Tagalog heritage. I’m so grateful to be able to do what I love for a living, and will always push that you follow your dreams.

I’m passionate about decolonization, anti-racism, social justice, and dismantling the patriarchy, so you may see a lot of that reflected in my work as well. I’m a firm believer in magic, karma, energy work and the spiritual connectivity of the universe, which is also reflected a lot in my art. Art is resistance, so I will continue to create beauty out of chaos until the world is a better place for us *all*.

I’m awkward, weird, totally geeky (talk Zelda to me), and I talk a lot (so I’ve been told since childhood). If none of this has completely scared you off, then thanks for sticking around and welcome!

I look forward to creating something meaningful for you.